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Brunswick County Beaches, NC

The Brunswick Island Beaches make up some of the most pristine beaches on The Eastern Seaboard. Known for their beautiful sand dunes and sea oats it's one of my personal favorites for your special day!

The Brunswick Islands consist of: Sunset Beach, Ocean Isle Beach, Holden Beach,

Oak Island, Caswell Beach, Bald Head Island and Southport.

For more information about specific wedding info to each Island please check out my links to each individual island.

For more info on the area check out this site:


The Brunswick Islands are located on the coast in the southeast corner of North Carolina.

Bolivia is the county seat and where you can find The Brunswick County Courthouse. To obtain a marriage license here the bride and groom both must:

  • Complete a marriage application form at the Brunswick County Courthouse. Present identification that in the determination of the Register Of Deeds the applicants to the marriage are at a minimum age of 18 years and are authorized to be married under the laws of this state. For marriage of under age applicants, see "Other Notes".

  • The applicants (both) must provide Social Security numbers on the Application (retained on the State Vital Records copy only). For applicants without Social Security numbers, see "Other Notes".

  • Pay a fee of $50 (cash, certified check, or money order

Other Important Factors:

  • Applicants must arrive in office before 4:30 PM, Monday thru Friday, except holidays.

  • There shall be an oath administered, to each and every applicant presenting information contained on said marriage license form as to the information contained is correct and that such person is entitled to such license according to law.

  • License is valid immediately upon issuance. There is no waiting period to be married in this state.

  • License is valid in any county of this state for period of 60 days of issuance. The person performing the marriage ceremony must return both copies of the license filled in and completed to the COUNTY WHERE THE LICENSE WAS ISSUED.

  • No physician's health certificate is required.

  • If applicant for the license does not have a social security number and states that he or she is ineligible to obtain one then said applicant shall provide a statement sworn to or affirmed before an officer authorized to administer oaths.

  • The listing of the race or education level on the marriage license form is optional.

  • Once the marriage has in accordance with any mode of solemnization recognized by any religious denomination or federally or State recognized Indian Nation or Tribe been returned to the office of issuance, certified copy of such shall be issued at a cost of $10 each. Obtain copies from the County where the License was issued not where the marriage ceremony occurred.

  • Applicants 16 or 17 years of age must have written consent by the appropriate persons as follows: by a parent, agency, or institution having legal custody or serving as a guardian of the underage party. This written consent shall be acknowledged before a Notary Public or signed in the presence of the Register of Deeds. Written consent shall however not be necessary if minor has been issued a certificate of emancipation from a court of law.

  • Applicants over 14 years of age and under 16 may marry only with the consent of the District Court Judge after a judicial hearing to determine if such marriage is in their best interest.

  • Applicants under 14 years of age shall not be eligible for a marriage license.

  • Divorced applicants may be required to provide sufficient evidence of divorce.

  • Marriage may be performed by the following: an ordained minister, a minister authorized by his or her church, a resident Superior Court Judge, a magistrate, a society of friends, a local spiritual assembly of the Baha, Federal or State recognized Indian Nations or Tribes or any person authorized by any religious denomination.

  • Marriage must be witnessed by two persons who are present at the marriage ceremony; they must sign both the original and copy in legible handwriting and in ink and include their address. In addition, the person performing the marriage must do the same.

  • The license must be returned to the Register Of Deeds where the License was issued within 10 days after the marriage celebration by the person performing the marriage or be subject to being guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor and a $200 fine.

  • No marriage of kinship closer that first cousin is lawful.

  • Marriage between all races shall be accepted.


The Register of Deeds shall, upon proper application, issue a license for the marriage of any two qualified persons who have in his or her opinion answered all the questions regarding age, marital status, intention to marry. The Register Of Deeds shall determine that the persons are authorized to be married in accordance with the laws of this state, and in doing so may require the applicants to present certified copies of birth records or such other evidence as he or she deems necessary to determine that said parties are eligible for such license.

To obtain your marriage license with Brunswick County, you will need to contact the Brunswick County Register of Deeds at (877) 625-9310, or click here to visit their website.

Beach weddings Ocean Isle Beach, NC
Oak Island Beach Weddings
Beach Weddings Holden Beach, NC

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